Pubg pc download size 2020
Pubg pc download size 2020

pubg pc download size 2020

To play it you will need at least Core i3 CPU running at 2.4GHz, min 2GB, or max 4GB of RAM and Intel HD 4000 integrated graphics, which can today be found in most entry/budget laptops. Minimal system requirements are so low that PUBG Lite for PC is now for the first time playable on countless older desktop and even laptop configurations. Now, you can experience the thrilling battle royale game, PUBG PC Lite, on your desktop without any cost.

pubg pc download size 2020

We have provided a step-by-step guide on how to install PUBG Lite on your PC for free.

  • Wait for the game to connect to the server and enjoy PUBG Lite for free on your Desktop.
  • Once the download is complete, click on " START" to launch PUBG Lite on PC/Laptop.
  • Once logged in, click on " INSTALL" to start the download.
  • Wait for the installation to finish, then run the " Launcher.exe" and log in to your PUBG account.
  • Click on " Install" to begin the installation process.
  • Follow the prompts, including clicking " Next," accepting the agreement, and selecting the files installation location.
  • Run the setup installation by double-clicking on the downloaded file.
  • pubg pc download size 2020

  • Download the PUBG PC Lite Setup using the link provided.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.Īdditionally, you can also use the step-by-step guide below: Once downloaded, double-click on it to begin the installation process. To install PUBG Lite on your PC or Laptop, first, download the PUBG PC client installer using the provided link from FileHorse. The players are encouraged to explore the map on their own pace, find gear both in the world or the inventories of downed opponents, and tactically read their situation both when handling nearby hostile players and when they are threatened by the unforgiving arena wall that is slowly shrinking to the area of the final battle. PUBG PC Lite is still focused on providing you with the exciting and tense game survival experience with the full complement of 100 online players per match (in all traditional solo, duos, and team game modes), all the weapons, support gear and vehicles that you will need to fight your way to the place of sole survivor. Optimized for weaker hardware that cannot cope with the full version of the game, PUBG Lite for Windows 11/10 introduces more simplified visuals, but thankfully, retains all the gameplay systems that have made the original so popular across the world. PUBG Lite is an alternative F2P version of the popular premium battle royale game PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS that provides to PC players with older and humbler systems access to this popular online shooter.

    Pubg pc download size 2020